Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Impressions

Hello!  Welcome to my blog.  I've never done anything like this before... but I thought it sounded fun.  I was inspired by a few glimpses of a movie called Julie & Julia.  This woman starts a blog to cook every recipe in Julia Child's cookbook.  Well, I was kind of inspired by it.  I'm not sure what all I'm going to blog about yet... but we'll figure that out along the way.

A little bit about me would probably be a good start, I'm sure.  I'm 22 and just graduated from college to be a teacher.  I'm job hunting at this time.  I am getting married on May 21st and keep busy with wedding planning.  I keep myself busy these days with working on landscaping, crafts, scrapbooking, sewing, and other fun stuff.  I have a wonderful soon-to-be husband named Jerod.  He's pretty much amazing and I cannot imagine life without him.  We have a dog named Sadie who is quite the handful.  A few months ago Jerod and I and some of our friends and relatives signed up to run the Warrior Dash.  So I've been training for that.  I do like to run but sometimes the energy level just really isn't there. 

I'm looking for a project to start to last a length of time.  Kind of like that Julie/Julia project.  I've been throwing some ideas around in my head.  One idea was running every day for a year... the only problem with that is when Jerod and I go on our honeymoon, I'm not sure if I'll make the time to run.  I had the idea of doing a cookbook challenge, but I'd like to at least be original about the project.  I've been working on crafty items, but I don't have a job to support the materials needed quite yet, so it's slow going as well.  I'm wanting the project to be some type of healthy thing.  I've thought about going vegetarian since it's something I've wanted to do since as long as I can remember, but it's hard to do that when Jerod isn't a vegetarian because it causes us to make more than one meal when we eat.  I'm thinking that I need to start off with a SMALL project to begin with (baby steps, right?).  Still thinking. I think I've got it... I think the first small challenge/project I am going to do is this blog.  For 30 days I am going to blog every day- twice a day.  Once when I get up and once when I go to bed.  In the morning I will give a general idea of my tasks for a day... then I will see what I actually completed.  Maybe when I have an actual month-long look at what I do in a month, I'll know where to go from there. 

On second thought, better make it a little less than a month.  How about from today's date (with only one blog, obviously) until May 20th (the day before I get married).  Then, I'll take a short recess from May 21-30 (wedding and honeymoon) and meet everyone (hopefully I'll have some readers by then) back to discuss my new project.  Hopefully it sounds like a plan!!  Now... all I need to do is see if I can do some sort of countdown on here. 
Wish me luck.  Goodnight!

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