Monday, May 2, 2011

Sometimes... life just sucks

That sums up my day so far.  Apparently I made just about the worst mistake of my life 3 1/2 years ago when I decided to go to college to become a teacher.  THERE ARE NO JOBS FOR TEACHERS AVAILABLE.  I have applied to the four open jobs that I have stalked out on the Internet.  One was in a perfect location- only about 8 miles from my house.  I PERSONALLY took my resume and packet in and talked with the principal for about an hour.  He wrote on my packet that I was to be called if I ever fell out of the running for that particular job.  Well, application deadline was a month ago.  I got advice from my fiance's parents that calling would probably be an okay thing to do.  Did it this morning... The position has been filled for some time.  I am so bummed.  Not only did they not call me, but I didn't even get an interview.  My resume and packet was apparently so un-impressive that I didn't even warrant an interview.  Go me.  Well, I called my fiance and told him between sobs that now I am down to the other job that I applied for recently as well.  We'll see what happens.

So, after my horrible morning, it turned into a pretty horrible afternoon.  I let my dog outside to potty, and when she came back up to the door she had poop smeared all over the right side of her head.  Now, I have a very weak stomach for this stuff... any time that I try to clean up Sadie's puke or poop I gag.  I couldn't even get near her to clean her neck off because my mouth would start watering like it does before you puke.  So, I stuck her in her cage and she has stayed there for the past hour.  Jerod gets home in about 30 minutes, and we'll have to tackle the never fun task of giving her a bath.  Oh boy.  Joy has overwhelmed me.

So, the only good thing that came from this day is that I have a clean house.  When I get super upset about things I tend to do one of two things: binge eat or clean/organize.  I am so thankful that I chose the second one!  I've been working on cleaning and laundry all day.  Jerod and I are going to lift my spirits by eating Ice Cream from Dairy Queen for supper and go watch our nephew Parker's baseball game tonight.  That should be exciting... we haven't made it to a single game. 

I weighed myself in this morning.  Last week I lost 1.5 pounds.  YEAH!  I'm trying to decide still if I am going to run tonight.  I kind of want to, but then again I kind of just want to relax.  I'm kind of afraid that after my horrendous day that I'll get ran over by a car or something.  Probably more like a semi knowing my luck.

Something cool:  apparently 4 people have read my blog in Germany.  Pretty neat, huh?

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