Saturday, December 17, 2011


I love Saturdays.  Saturday is probably my favorite day of the week because I get so much accomplished.  Today Jerod and I headed into Shelbyville to pick up the dry cleaning, get hair cuts, and wash the new Jeep.  We then headed over to visit Granny and then now we're working on accomplishing the tasks on our "to do" lists.  I'm hoping between today and tomorrow I'll be able to get this quilt FINISHED!!  WOOHOO!!  It's been a lot bigger of a project than I ever imagined, but it's pretty awesome to look at the finished product and know that I've done it!  I think I am adding a long-arm sewing machine to my wish list though just for use with quilts... because trying to get this thing quilted on my small machine was a nightmare!!!  Well, better hop to it!

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