Saturday, December 17, 2011


I love Saturdays.  Saturday is probably my favorite day of the week because I get so much accomplished.  Today Jerod and I headed into Shelbyville to pick up the dry cleaning, get hair cuts, and wash the new Jeep.  We then headed over to visit Granny and then now we're working on accomplishing the tasks on our "to do" lists.  I'm hoping between today and tomorrow I'll be able to get this quilt FINISHED!!  WOOHOO!!  It's been a lot bigger of a project than I ever imagined, but it's pretty awesome to look at the finished product and know that I've done it!  I think I am adding a long-arm sewing machine to my wish list though just for use with quilts... because trying to get this thing quilted on my small machine was a nightmare!!!  Well, better hop to it!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Oh My!

I am ashamed to see that I haven't been keeping up with this!!  I knew that I hadn't been but wow... not posting in like six months is bad!  Well, I have had this week off work since all the teachers don't take off this close to the holiday break.  It's been good.  Monday I literally did nothing and it kind of felt good.  Yesterday though, is a way different story!  I was cleaning by 8 a.m. and didn't stop until about 2:30!   I also did so much laundry during that time.  Now today I haven't had much to do since I did so much yesterday.  I'd like to quilt my quilt, but I am waiting on the Dish dude to give us our new dvr receiver.  Merry Christmas to us!!

Jerod and I decided that it's time to get rid of this "extra baggage" in our midsections!  We're usually pretty good about being active but the last few months have really not been good for us.  Jerod had a good excuse: shin splints.  I don't: laziness.  We decided that our New Year's resolution is going to be to lose some weight for our upcoming venture: Turks and Caicos!!  Nobody wants to look like a fatty on the beach!  We're going to start running on January Uno and it's going to be ROUGH starting.  The last time that I ran and stuck with it I lost 20 pounds and looked soooo good that that is going to be my motivation.  We are also signing up for another Warrior Dash, so that will keep me motivated too.  I'd love to do a half marathon someday... but let's not get ahead of ourselves!!

Well, I guess that's all for now.  I need to keep this thing updated!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

P90X week 1

I know this should techinically be week 2 but I had an issue last week.  Apprently reading is a good thing to do because I wasted four days doing the P90X program that bulks you up... not slims you down. Great right?  Wrong.  So I just walked last weekend (2 miles on Friday, 4 miles on Saturday).  This week on Monday I started the P90X lean program.  I have to say that I really do like the program (even though I am usually yelling at the guy for being mean, haha).  This week I lost a pound and a half.  That's pretty good since I haven't changed my eating habits (which aren't the worst... or best...).  So, tomorrow I start  week 2... yea!

Today was a buuuuuusy day.  I finally cleaned our front porch.  I've only been TALKING about doing it for about 3 weeks now.  It's a good thing I picked one of the hottest days of the summer to do it, huh?  Well, then I took a little break because cleaning a porch for 2 hours in hundred degree heat index took a lot out of me.  Jerod and I took an hour and a half to water the garden this evening too.  In between all of these fun things I have been working on a side project.  I am transforming a plain white bookshelf into a beautiful blue, red, and cream book shelf!  We will see how it works out. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter than today so Jerod said I could spend the day crafting if I wanted.... and I want!! :)  I'm excited.  I think I am going to work on some fabric flowers and maybe get the foam board inserts cut out and fabric wrapped for my bookshelf project.  What's super neat about the bookshelf is that I am essentially doing it for free!  The bookshelf was given to me by my brother-in-law, we already had the paint, and I already had the fabric.  I only spent $1.00 for the two pieces of foam board I needed.  YEAH!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back To It!!

Oh my word!!  I have not blogged in SOOO long.  SO MUCH has happened in my life since I last blogged.  For starters, I got MARRIED!!  Jerod and I got married on May 21st and left the 22nd for our Honeymoon in Florida at Walt Disney World.  We stayed there through Friday morning then caught a flight to Chicago for a Cubs game on Saturday.  We had so much fun on our honeymoon.  Here's a few pictures:

Since we've been back from our honeymoon we have been busy, too.  We have been working on getting a lot of weeds pulled out of our landscaping.  Jerod has also been very busy in our garden.  All the hard work definitely pays off though.  Tonight we had a pork loin that Jerod grilled that was declicious and with it we had grilled onions and zucchini from the garden.  Yummy!

Jerod and I (along witha few family members and friends) completed our first Warrior Dash, as well.  I have to say that even though it was EXTREMELY challenging, it has to become an annual event.  I strained a muscle, cut up my knees, and suffered bruises... but most of all I actually had a great time.

Still no luck on the teaching job yet.  I am still praying and holding on to hope though.  We will see what happens.  Keep praying with me!!

Well, I have a new endeavor that I am jumping into.  It's a completely insane, idiotic, and crazy idea and it's called: P90X.  We will see how it goes.  I am going to look through the information for it tonight/tomorrow, take the measurements and weight, etc. and hopefully start it tomorrow or sometime this week.  I'm actually kind of excited... that will probably fade less than 2 minutes into the first DVD, ha!

Hopefully I can make blogging a normal part of my life again.  See you all tomorrow (hopefully!)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Good Day... Rough Run

Well, I had a very productive day.  I got up and did a bunch of "regular" house work around the house.  Then I spent the entire afternoon cleaning our upstairs.  I haven't cleaned up there since I moved in in August 2008 and man, was it dirty!!  It always feels so good to have a clean house.  After Jerod got home from work we went out and did some digging in the garden.  I'm telling you- I don't think I was built to use a shovel.  Maybe all the push ups I am doing will give me some extra arm strength so that I can run a shovel correctly.  While we were working outside, we found an unhatched robin's egg that had blown out of its nest (there was some pretty strong wind here today).  Well, Jerod and I walked down to Shauna's (that's Jerod's sister for those of you who don't know) to see if she would know what to do with it.  Shauna is an animal lover and probably has the knowledge of how to take care of every animal there is.  Funny thing: Parker (Shauna's son) had found a robin's egg as well the day before.  Well, we all weren't too sure what to do, so Jerod and I took Herbert (the name I gave to the egg) back home with us.  Well, Herbert was short lived because Jerod rolled him to me very gently and Herbert busted open.  I almost cried.  We thought that this would be a great time to go for our runs.  Since the wind was really strong like I said before, we went into town to run.  What an awful run.  The wind wasn't as bad, which was a blessing.  But from the very beginning my legs were killing me.  They continued to kill me for the next three miles until I was finished running.  I ran all three miles in the twelve minute range.  Now, for a reward, I'm enjoying a large mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Sometimes... life just sucks

That sums up my day so far.  Apparently I made just about the worst mistake of my life 3 1/2 years ago when I decided to go to college to become a teacher.  THERE ARE NO JOBS FOR TEACHERS AVAILABLE.  I have applied to the four open jobs that I have stalked out on the Internet.  One was in a perfect location- only about 8 miles from my house.  I PERSONALLY took my resume and packet in and talked with the principal for about an hour.  He wrote on my packet that I was to be called if I ever fell out of the running for that particular job.  Well, application deadline was a month ago.  I got advice from my fiance's parents that calling would probably be an okay thing to do.  Did it this morning... The position has been filled for some time.  I am so bummed.  Not only did they not call me, but I didn't even get an interview.  My resume and packet was apparently so un-impressive that I didn't even warrant an interview.  Go me.  Well, I called my fiance and told him between sobs that now I am down to the other job that I applied for recently as well.  We'll see what happens.

So, after my horrible morning, it turned into a pretty horrible afternoon.  I let my dog outside to potty, and when she came back up to the door she had poop smeared all over the right side of her head.  Now, I have a very weak stomach for this stuff... any time that I try to clean up Sadie's puke or poop I gag.  I couldn't even get near her to clean her neck off because my mouth would start watering like it does before you puke.  So, I stuck her in her cage and she has stayed there for the past hour.  Jerod gets home in about 30 minutes, and we'll have to tackle the never fun task of giving her a bath.  Oh boy.  Joy has overwhelmed me.

So, the only good thing that came from this day is that I have a clean house.  When I get super upset about things I tend to do one of two things: binge eat or clean/organize.  I am so thankful that I chose the second one!  I've been working on cleaning and laundry all day.  Jerod and I are going to lift my spirits by eating Ice Cream from Dairy Queen for supper and go watch our nephew Parker's baseball game tonight.  That should be exciting... we haven't made it to a single game. 

I weighed myself in this morning.  Last week I lost 1.5 pounds.  YEAH!  I'm trying to decide still if I am going to run tonight.  I kind of want to, but then again I kind of just want to relax.  I'm kind of afraid that after my horrendous day that I'll get ran over by a car or something.  Probably more like a semi knowing my luck.

Something cool:  apparently 4 people have read my blog in Germany.  Pretty neat, huh?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Oh Boy

Well, I will tell you right off that four miles did not happen today... but it's not really my fault.  At .8 miles I was about to poop my pants... so I knew that going any farther than 2 was out of the questions.  That is okay though because I had Thursday as my two mile day this week, so I just switched them. 

Tomorrow morning I weigh in again... I'm anxious to see how I did this week! 

Jerod and I were talking about our honeymoon a little bit tonight, and that has got me super excited. I really can't wait.  I think one of the things I am most excited about is that I'll be Jerod's WIFE.... WIFE.  Crazy to think about.  Today has been one of those days where Jerod and I have just been laughing all day at stupid things.  We'll tease each other and laugh our heads off.  Then we'll poke each other or something along those lines and we'll laugh our heads off.  Then one of us will say something... and we'll laugh our heads off.  We've both just been in a goofy mood, I guess. 

I worked outside in the landscaping this afternoon for about 3 hours or so.  I only got a small section done, but that small section looks pretty darn awesome.

I'm thinking tomorrow might be an off day... but we'll see.  UNLIKE the last off day though, I'll be doing some crunches, push ups, and oblique bends.